/BCO-DMO/EAGER_NitFix/EN596 --Cast eq 13-- Level 1

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#  Discrete samples and rate measurements collected aboard the RV Endeavor cruise EN596
#  PI: Angelicque White
#  Version: 2019-08-05
Julian_day  Station  Cast  
118         8        13    
Depth  Nisken  chl    chl_avg  chl_std  fix_rate_13C_avg  fix_rate_13C_std_dev  fix_rate_15N2_avg  fix_rate_15N2_std_dev  HNA       LNA       tot_bact   PC_avg  PC_std  PN_avg  PN_std  Picoeukaryotes  Prochlorococcus  Richella  SAL    SST   Synechococcus  tot_diaz  trico  cells_m3  Latitude  Longitude  
200    13      0.121  nd       nd       nd                nd                    nd                 nd                     nd        nd        nd         nd      nd      nd      nd      nd              nd               nd        nd     nd    nd             nd        nd     nd        35.828    -73.898    
Julian_day  Station  Cast  
118         9        13    
Depth  Nisken  chl    chl_avg  chl_std  fix_rate_13C_avg  fix_rate_13C_std_dev  fix_rate_15N2_avg  fix_rate_15N2_std_dev  HNA       LNA       tot_bact   PC_avg  PC_std  PN_avg  PN_std  Picoeukaryotes  Prochlorococcus  Richella  SAL    SST   Synechococcus  tot_diaz  trico  cells_m3  Latitude  Longitude  
25     22      0.142  nd       nd       nd                nd                    nd                 nd                     nd        nd        nd         nd      nd      nd      nd      nd              nd               nd        nd     nd    nd             nd        nd     nd        35.604    -74.07     
50     20      0.233  nd       nd       nd                nd                    nd                 nd                     nd        nd        nd         nd      nd      nd      nd      nd              nd               nd        nd     nd    nd             nd        nd     nd        35.604    -74.07     
100    16      0.074  nd       nd       nd                nd                    nd                 nd                     nd        nd        nd         nd      nd      nd      nd      nd              nd               nd        nd     nd    nd             nd        nd     nd        35.604    -74.07